My Blog

The Path To Wellbeing

Have you Taken the WEEKLY CHALLENGE? breathe well breathing and posture breathing exercises challenge exercises pain free athlete posture therapy the pain free athlete therapy exercises thoughts Feb 27, 2018

Because I am trying to expand my audience and to be more “social,” I started a WEEKLY CHALLENGE that I post every Monday morning on The Pain Free Athlete FaceBook page.

By now, many of us have given up on our New Year’s Resolutions, but there is nothing that says we can only...

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Embracing Technology to Heal pain free athlete posture therapy sessions skype the pain free athlete therapist therapy exercises therapy session Jan 16, 2018

Ever since I started posture therapy, I have not had a local therapist. Yet, I have recovered. Although I would have preferred working with someone in the same room, that is not always an option when you live in a small town. Because of the limited resources, more specialized therapies are often...

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Conquering Your Fear of Re-injury heal yourself healing an injury healing and injury healing chronic pain pain free athlete posture therapy self healing the pain free athlete Dec 19, 2017

Please enjoy an excerpt from my book, Winning the Injury Game, available on Amazon.

As you resume sports, your primary fear is most likely re-injury. Because of your previous injury, you may have been through extensive rehabilitation, unable to play your sport, and you don't want to go back to...

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The Secret to Peak Performance: Total Alignment pain free athlete postural restoration posture posture alignment posture therapy the pain free athlete Nov 27, 2017

Please enjoy an excerpt from my book, Winning the Injury Game, available on Amazon.

The best athlete is in alignment—physically, mentally, emotionally, and, spiritually. This athlete is aligned not just in body as discussed previously, but also in mind and soul. I refer to this as “...

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The Role of Loads and Forces in Chronic Pain and Injury align alignment freedom from pain pain free athlete posture alignment posture analysis posture therapy the pain free athlete Oct 23, 2017

Please enjoy an excerpt from my book, Winning the Injury Game, available on Amazon 

Katy Bowman, a well-renowned movement biomechanist, has a great discussion about loads in her book, Move Your DNA.1 If you are into this sort of thing, definitely check it out. In her example, she...

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Healing is Possible! heal yourself healing an injury healing and injury healing chronic pain pain free athlete pain free body self healing self-compassion the pain free athlete Sep 28, 2017

Please enjoy the beginning of Chapter 1 from my book, Winning the Injury Game, available on Amazon. Download the entire chapter.

Your body is wonderfully resilient. It wants to serve you and make possible all the sports and activities you love. However, I know this is hard to hear right now....

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Your Brain Interprets Your Pain chronic pain freedom from pain healing chronic pain pain neuroscience pain psychology pain science Aug 15, 2017

 Please enjoy an excerpt from my book, Winning the Injury Game, available on Amazon.

Neurosciences Professor Dr. Lorimer Moseley says, “Pain is a construct of the brain.”1 Now to be clear, I am not suggesting that the pain is all in your head or that yoHealing Back Painu are making it up....

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Train Movements, Not Individual Muscles movement pain free athlete resistance training strength training the pain free athlete Jul 13, 2017

Please enjoy an excerpt from my book, Winning the Injury Game, available on Amazon.

Sports performance is the result of coordinated movements. Casting a fly rod, spiking a volleyball, paddling a boat, skiing moguls, and hiking up a mountain all require multiple muscles that must together in a...

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Considerations for Leg Length Discrepancies anterior pelvic tilt anterior pelvis hip pain hip rehabilitation hips pain free athlete pelvis the pain free athlete Jun 14, 2017

Please enjoy an excerpt from my book, Winning the Injury Game, available on Amazon.

Clients often tell me their legs are different lengths. When they lay down on an examiner’s table, one leg appears longer, and the practitioner informs them that their legs are different lengths. Or perhaps...

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Alignment is the Foundation of Strength and Athletics align alignment balance mobility pain free athlete posture alignment the pain free athlete May 24, 2017


Please enjoy an excerpt from my book, Winning the Injury Game, available on Amazon.

Gray Cook, MSPT, OCS, CSCS, researcher, national lecturer, and author, developed the “Optimum Performance Pyramid” as a model to understand movement. It is a three-tier pyramid; the large base...

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How Did Your Body Get Askew? measure posture posture posture alignment posture analysis posture deviations posture fitness class sitting posture standing posture the pain free athlete working posture Apr 04, 2017

Please enjoy an excerpt from my book, Winning the Injury Game, available on Amazon.

If you're like most active people, your self-assessment revealed unbalanced posture. Your joints were not all perfectly lined up, and the weight in your feet was not even. It's impossible to know how long your...

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Defining the Core core muscles of breathing strength strength breathing muscles Mar 01, 2017

Please enjoy an excerpt from my book, Winning the Injury Game, available on Amazon. 

What is your core? And how does it relate to your posture? Although we hear a lot about “the core” and have been told we need a strong one from various sources—doctors, fitness...

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