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The Path To Wellbeing

4 Ways to Improve Your Running this Winter posture alignment running running efficiency running form running technique the pain free athlete Dec 31, 2013



1. First, Run in Soft Snow for Good Technique

The unstable surface of the snow does not allow you to push off for propulsion. This backward force may cause you to slip as the snow moves with your foot. Thus, you lose traction. If you don't push off from behind, you probably won't...

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Enhance Your Self-Worth in 2014! body awareness heal yourself self self healing self-compassion Dec 18, 2013

Do you ever feel like you're not enough? That you should be doing and giving more? I do!

Where does this come from? Why do we feel inadequate despite our achievements? Perhaps we have bought into the beliefs spread through our society in the self-sacrifice or self-esteem handbooks... 


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Joint Pain, Taping and the Long-Term Consequences heal yourself healing an injury healing and injury healing pain posture alignment Dec 11, 2013


Before any athletic practice or competition, you'll often see rows of athletes lined up in the training room having their ankles, wrists or other various joints taped so they can go play. If you're like most athletes, you don't think much about it except that you need to get to practice...

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Treat the Cause, Not the Symptom back pain chronic pain freedom from pain heal back pain heal yourself posture alignment Dec 04, 2013

I've heard a saying regarding pain in the body, “the victim screams while the criminal is silent.”

Anatomy Trains Book Cover

When Tom Myers, internationally known fascia expert and author of Anatomy Trains, said this, he was referring to the interconnected relationships between the soft tissues in the body....

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5 Tips for Planning a Winning Athletic Season pain free athlete planning racing the pain free athlete training Nov 25, 2013

It's never too early to start planning for your next athletic season. Sometimes it takes years to build up the fitness for an event. You also need long range planning in order to peak for an important competition.

As a coach, I help athletes develop a realistic season calendar. Here's what I...

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Stay Aligned and Injury Free on Aerobic Machines alignment exercise posture alignment posture analysis posture therapy Nov 20, 2013

When we exercise on an aerobic machine (elliptical, treadmill, bike, stair stepper, etc.), our intent is to condition our cardiovascular system. In essence, we are concerned with our heart rate, breathing and fatigue. It is all about our heart and lungs. However, seldom do we consider the...

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3 Benefits of Base Training Aerobic Workouts cycling endurance exercise exercise running endurance the pain free athlete Nov 11, 2013

If you are a competitive summer athlete, your cardiovascular training focus shifts during the fall and winter to over-distance and endurance aerobic workouts. Most people refer to these workouts as Long, Slow Distance (LSD). Through my interactions with people, I have noticed that athletes...

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Cross Train for Better Posture and Performance posture alignment posture fitness class posture therapy strength training training Nov 06, 2013

Not enough motion or too much of the same, repetitive movements can cause one major issue: postural deviations. For example, because I spent years hunched over a bicycle, along with a desk job, my shoulders and upper back took on a rounded position. This hunched-over position also tightened my...

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Transitioning Through Loss exercise heal yourself self self healing self-compassion Oct 31, 2013

Two weeks ago my mother passed from this life. It has been a difficult period and a dramatic transition that has been defined by changes like helping my Dad pack, sell and toss over 50 years of life together. This blog contains advice that I wrote after my beloved dog, Coral, passed. As I deal...

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How to Prevent Cycling Injuries alignment cycling interval training nutrition posture alignment Oct 26, 2013

So you want to stay pain and injury free on the bike? Well, it all depends on the fitness of the body you bring into cycling and your approach to riding. Let me explain.

Body Fitness

More fundamental than your VO2 max or power output, total body fitness includes multiple things. These include...

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Are you racing out of fear? pain free athlete pain free body racing self the pain free athlete train Oct 16, 2013

Why do you race? I have been asking my friends, teammates and clients this question for years. Yet, I have not heard a satisfactory answer. Recently, I had a conversation on this topic with a client. This caused me to write this blog.

Let me elaborate. There are many motivations that may be...

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Run, Walk and Hike Pain Free with These Exercises hiking pain free pain free athlete running the pain free athlete walking Oct 10, 2013

Running creates impact forces of up to 10 times your body weight! When your body is not stacked in a strong, aligned posture against the forces of gravity and ground reaction, guess what? Your body will suffer! With each foot strike, you hit the ground. Then,  the ground hits you back with...

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