My Blog

The Path To Wellbeing

The Connection Between Neck Pain and Breathing brething exercise dysfunctional breathing muscles of breathing neck pain neck pain with inhale pain with inhalation shoulder pain shoulder pain with inhale strength breathing muscles the pain free athlete Nov 18, 2020

Although the diaphragm and intercostals are the primary muscles of inspiration, several neck muscles play an accessory role in bringing air into the body. Furthermore, when these primary muscles of inhalation are not working optimally, or you are breathing heavily while exercising at a high...

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Try Mouth Taping at Night to Improve Health and Performance breath holding breathe well breathing exercises breathing mechanics mouth taping muscles of breathing nasal breathing nose breathing nostril breathing Aug 22, 2018

I started taping my mouth shut when going to bed a few months ago after reading The Oxygen Advantage by Patrick McKeown. McKeown practices the Buteyko Method. As you can see by her wide-eyed gaze, my dog, Sasha, is very worried that she can’t give lots of slobbery kisses with my mouth...

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Defining the Core core muscles of breathing strength strength breathing muscles Mar 01, 2017

Please enjoy an excerpt from my book, Winning the Injury Game, available on Amazon. 

What is your core? And how does it relate to your posture? Although we hear a lot about “the core” and have been told we need a strong one from various sources—doctors, fitness...

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Belly Breathing Isn't What You Think breath breath meditation breathe well breathing and posture breathing exercises breathing mechanics diaphragm dysfunctional breathing muscles of breathing rib cage strength breathing muscles Jan 20, 2016

At one time or another, you’ve probably come across the phrase “belly breathing.” You might have heard a well-meaning yoga teacher, fitness instructor, personal trainer or even me in my posture classes talk about it! People use this phrase to encourage us to initiate our breath...

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