My Blog

The Path To Wellbeing

Hamstring Pain with Running, Hiking and XC Skiing anterior pelvic tilt anterior pelvis pelvis posture posture alignment posture analysis posture therapy Feb 23, 2015


What movements do running, hiking and classic cross-country skiing have in common?

Very simply, the legs move from in front of the body to behind the body in the sagittal plane. The sagittal plane divides the body into left and right sides. You can see this in the image of the dancer to...

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Stress Prevents Self-Healing heal yourself lissa rankin mind over medicine nervous system relaxation response self healing stress response the pain free athlete Jan 08, 2015

Within your body, you have a powerful source of self-healing. To illustrate, think of the many bruises, cuts and blisters you’ve had that your body has repaired. Additionally, think about the colds, injuries and infections that you’ve overcome. This self-repairing biological system...

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3 Ab Exercises You Should Be Doing! abs breathing and posture core exercises posture alignment posture analysis posture therapy Dec 22, 2014

In my last blog, The Secret Role of Your Abs, I disclosed the vital role your abdominal muscles play in breath and deep core alignment. There, I explained how this part of your body provides the base of your posture. Additionally, I emphasized that if the ribs and pelvis are not stacked,...

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The Secret Role of Your Abs abs alignment breathe well breathing and posture breathing exercises dysfunctional breathing posture alignment rib cage Dec 15, 2014

Have you ever wondered what your abdominal muscles actually do?  Most of us are concerned with the look and strength of our abs. But what is their purpose? If you read anatomy books, most list actions such as flexing the lumbar spine to bring the chest towards the pelvis, performing side...

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Activate Your Glutes with Bridge Exercise Variations bridge exercise glute activation glutes hamstrings Nov 24, 2014

My last blog, Why do glutes shut off?, outlined the three main reasons your butt muscles stop working - pain, position and lack of use. In this blog I am going to provide more information about this powerful muscle group and demonstrate isolating exercises to facilitate their activation....

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Why do glutes shut off? glute activation glute amnesia hip flexors the pain free athlete Nov 04, 2014

Have you ever been told your glutes don’t work? I have! When I started my posture therapy program, I couldn’t activate my left glutes at all. It’s like they had amnesia, which they did. In other words, my muscles had forgotten how to work. To illustrate, Dr. Stuart McGill often...

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Tame Your Hip Flexors with the Egoscue Tower Oct 20, 2014

Hip Flexors

Your hip flexors are vitally important to aligned posture and efficient movement. Your two primary hip flexors are the Psoas and Iliacus muscles. As you can see in this Wikipedia illustration to the right, the Psoas muscle attaches to the spine, then passes in front of the pelvis and...

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Why You Need Body Awareness body awareness body scan mind-body pain free athlete pain free body Oct 07, 2014

Body awareness is the first step towards a pain free body.

One of the initial things a client often experiences while working with me is enhanced postural awareness. Prior to our session, they rarely thought about how they held their body. After our time together, my clients become aware of how...

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Four Reasons You Don't Want to Get Hurt athletic injury body awareness foot injury healing an injury healing and injury injury recovery posture alignment posture therapy self healing Sep 23, 2014

Ankle Taping: “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”

Ben Franklin said these famous words in 1736 in reference to fire prevention. You can apply the same philosophy, however, to sports injuries. For several reasons--beyond the obvious--we want to avoid any initial injuries...

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Pain is Your Ally In Healing chronic pain freedom from pain heal yourself healing an injury healing chronic pain pain free athlete self healing self-compassion the pain free athlete Sep 08, 2014

“Pain is part of the body's defense system, producing a reflexive retraction from the painful stimulus, and tendencies to protect the affected body part while it heals, and avoid that harmful situation in the future.”

This is the evolutionary and behavioral role of pain as described...

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Gravity and Back Pain back pain heal back pain heal yourself measure posture posture alignment posture therapy self healing standing posture Aug 29, 2014

Gravity: it’s a constant, unrelenting force. It pushes down on your body all day long. If you are not vertically aligned against this continuous pressure, not only will you fail to build your bones (see my blog Prevent Osteoporosis with Aligned Posture), but you may also suffer back pain.


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Healing is an Individual Process heal yourself healing chronic pain postural restoration institute posture alignment posture therapy self healing Aug 20, 2014

Road to Recovery Healing is not a neat and tidy process with well-defined steps from pain to wellness. Instead, it is an individual journey that is unique for each person. The source of chronic pain and the strategies needed for recovery can be simple or complex. Some people get better quickly,...

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