My Blog
The Path To Wellbeing
Back Row on Commercial Strength Training Machine
Starting Position
Sit tall with straight vertical alignment from the hips to the ears.
Neutral spine with a slight arch in the lower back.
Feet hip width apart and flat on the floor.
Shoulders at...
According to Martin E. P. Seligman, Ph.D., a leader in Positive Psychology, and author of "Authentic Happiness" one cause of low life satisfaction and contentment is failure to express gratitude and taking things for granted.
"Gratitude is an appreciation of someone else's excellent moral...
In case you missed my article in the Los Alamos Daily Post it is reprinted below.
Do you have joint or muscle pain? It may be your posture. According to the Egoscue Method® of posture alignment the “design posture” of the human body is to have the load-bearing...
This is the first video in a series on proper strength training technique for better posture.
Starting Position
A staggered stance (1-2 feet apart) accommodates wider hips and larger dumbbells.
Dumbbell heads are facing forward to keep the weights close to...
If you're lifting weights without addressing postural disparities such as one shoulder higher than the other, a hip that is rotated forward or rounded shoulders then YES your unbalanced posture is becoming stronger and more engrained with every repetition performed.
I'm not saying don't...
In case you missed my article in the Los Alamos Daily Post it is reprinted below.
Several painful back conditions – stenosis, disc bulge or herniation, spondylolisthesis and sciatica – are due to improper spinal alignment.
Proper Spinal Alignment
Consisting of 33 bones...
You're probably heard these benefits of exercise:
- Elevated Mood
- Weight Management
- Better Sleep
- Reduced Stress
- Lower Blood Pressure
But did you know exercise also makes you smarter?
That's what John Ratey, MD author of Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the...
I recently met a fit young man who loves to run. A mutual friend brought us together, introducing me as someone who might be able to help with his back pain. He had seen a chiropractor who told him the curve in his lower back had flattened which was probably contributing to his pain. I agreed and...
"The value of the function run is that it deliberately equalizes your strong compensating muscles and your weaker prime movers. When we are dysfunctional, heavy exertion demand automatically accesses our strongest muscles. Function runs are a way to stop that from happening and to give those...
As an athlete you are driven, have goals and want to achieve. Many of us are in the habit of pushing our bodies to the brink of collapse, injury or sickness to succeed. Our taskmaster inside, sometimes called our sports gremlin, scares us into making bad choices for our body and soul.
Losing weight is hard. There are many factors that contribute to excess pounds. In researching approaches to weight loss I have found the principles explained in "Intuitive Eating" by Evelyn Tribole, M.S., R.D. and Elyse Resch, M.S., R.D., F.A.D.A. very useful. Just last month a third edition of...
Healing happens not only physically but is also influenced by your psychological state. While suffering from various injuries and surgeries I found the teachings of Positive Psychology helpful to my recovery. How we think about our situation and what we say to ourselves has a great impact on our...