Strength Training for Better Posture: Back Rows
Nov 26, 2012
Back Row on Commercial Strength Training Machine
Starting Position
Sit tall with straight vertical alignment from the hips to the ears.
Neutral spine with a slight arch in the lower back.
Feet hip width apart and flat on the floor.
Shoulders at 90 degrees, level from left to right.
Hands lower than the elbows and elbows lower than the shoulders.
Elbows close to the sides, not abducted.
Prior to initiating the back row the shoulder blades are pulled down and together into retraction and held for 1-2 seconds.
Using the back muscles the arms pull straight back to form a 90 degree angle with the shoulders, elbows and wrists.
Elbows do not move behind the body, this creates excess stress in the front of the shoulder.
Shoulders can protract sightly forward between repetitions.
Single-Arm Back Row Using Free Weights
Starting Position
Kneeling on a bench with the legs straight down from the hips, one on the floor and one bent at the knee on the bench.
Flat back with straight alignment from the head to the hip.
Shoulder and wrist in direct vertical alignment on the bench.
Prior to initiating the back row the shoulder blade is pulled back towards the spine and held for 1-2 seconds.
Using the back muscles the arm pulls straight up to form a 90 degree angle with the shoulder, elbow and wrist.
Elbows do not move above the body, this creates excess stress on the front of the shoulder.
Shoulders can protract sightly forward between repetitions.
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