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The Path To Wellbeing

What's Heart Rate Variability (HRV) got to do with chronic pain? brain coherence chronic pain heart coherence heart rate variability heartmath hrv persistent pain pns polyvagal theory relaxation response resonance resonance frequency breathing sns steven porges stress response vagus nerve ventral vagal Feb 13, 2025

Heart Rate Variability (HRV) is quickly becoming a popular biometric to measure wellness, with several watches tracking this data and numerous apps analyzing it. But what is HRV?


Understanding HRV

HRV denotes the relationship and synchrony between the heart and the brain. It measures the...

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Why Stress Feels Good and Relaxing is Hard parasympathetic nervous system pns relaxation response relexation sns stress stress management stress relief stress response sympathetic nervous system thepainfreeathlete Sep 13, 2022

While I was recently talking with a client, she remarked, “I don’t know how to relax. And when I try, I worry that I am doing it wrong. After a few minutes (of sitting still and breathing) I get antsy and start doing something. It is uncomfortable to be still.”

Not surprisingly,...

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Start Meditating to Reduce Stress: 3 Easy Practices body scan breath meditation ho'oponopono insight timer jon kabat-zinn mala mantra mbsr metta mind-body mindful mindfulness mindfulness meditation parasympathetic nervous system pns sound meditation stress stress management stress relief the pain free athlete Mar 18, 2020

As you probably know, it is always important to manage stress. Many preventable diseases can be linked back to an elevated and prolonged stress response in the body. During a health crisis, however, it is of utmost importance for us to maintain calm and access the healing energy of the...

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