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The Path To Wellbeing

Start Meditating to Reduce Stress: 3 Easy Practices body scan breath meditation ho'oponopono insight timer jon kabat-zinn mala mantra mbsr metta mind-body mindful mindfulness mindfulness meditation parasympathetic nervous system pns sound meditation stress stress management stress relief the pain free athlete Mar 18, 2020

As you probably know, it is always important to manage stress. Many preventable diseases can be linked back to an elevated and prolonged stress response in the body. During a health crisis, however, it is of utmost importance for us to maintain calm and access the healing energy of the...

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Why You Need Body Awareness body awareness body scan mind-body pain free athlete pain free body Oct 07, 2014

Body awareness is the first step towards a pain free body.

One of the initial things a client often experiences while working with me is enhanced postural awareness. Prior to our session, they rarely thought about how they held their body. After our time together, my clients become aware of how...

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